Features News

Print Article Citations added

Today we added a brand new feature to our APA citation generator: Print article citations.

Whether we are talking about newspaper articles, magazine articles, or any other form of print article, you can now cite them in the correct APA format with our citation generator. No more worries about the correct format or citation mistakes.

Simply head over to and enter the required details to generate your APA citation.


Features News

Thesis and Dissertation Papers added

Today we are excited to announce that we have added a new source format to your APA citation generator: Thesis and Dissertation Papers.

With this new addition you can now cite theses and dissertations in the correct APA format without having to worry about formatting mistakes.

Simply head over to and enter the required details to generate your APA citation.

We hope you’ll find this useful!

Features News

Wikipedia Citations added

Today we added a new feature to our APA citation generator: Wikipedia page citations.

With this new addition you can now cite any wikipedia page in the correct APA format without having to worry about incorrect formatting.

Just go to and enter the required details to generate your APA citation today.



Welcome to

We just launched this new APA citation generator and we couldn’t be more excited about it!

Gone are the days that students have to guess the right format or the right way to cite a certain source. Our citation generator makes it extremely easy and quick to cite your sources correctly without worrying about mistakes or incorrect formatting.

We are starting with the most popular source formats to get going, but over time we are sure to add more as we go along. For now, however, you can use the following source formats:

  1. Website
  2. Journal Article
  3. Book or Textbook
  4. Video

In the coming days we will be adding more, so check back soon!

Go give it a try at